

10.00 - 23.00

Payment activities
Limited number shifts


Support us as a Company

MUBA supports and finances its projects with proceeds from ticketing and sponsorships.

It is essential the support of companies that believe in the mission of MUBA and that allow the development and production of shared projects, both the playful exhibitions and thematic workshops, on specific briefings and shared objectives.



Becoming a partner means entering into a constant and continuous dialogue with MUBA and its public, actively supporting the planning and all the projects of the Museum; it also means giving value to your brand as a promoter of culture and part of an excellent initiative.


Sponsor playful exhibition

Becoming a sponsor of the playful exhibition, a great exclusive production of MUBA, means for a company to gain immediate visibility both on the territory and at national level. The company logo will be present on all the communication materials related to the exhibition and the sponsor will also be present in the activities that make up the program schedule: cultural review for adults, training courses and special events. 


Sponsor thematic workshop

Becoming a sponsor of a thematic workshop means collaborating with MUBA in the design and development of a tailor-made project that enhances and promotes the company's identity and objectives, relying on the professionalism and twenty-year experience of the MUBA team.


MUBA thanks all the institutions, entities and companies that have accompanied and supported the growth of the Museum over the years and have contributed to the realization of many activities:



Accenture, Admenta Italia, Alleanza Assicurazioni, Apple, Artemide, Artfin, Autostrade per l'Italia, Banca Intesa, Basf, Bayer, Bisazza, Ceresio SIM, Confindustria, Coop Lombardia, Danese, DEA Junior, EDISON, E.ON, Exibo, Ferrero Kinder Sorpresa, Fila Giotto, Fogliani, Fondazione Cariplo, Fondazione di Comunità Milano onlus, FS, HSBC, ICET, IGP Decaux, Ilti luce, Inail, Magis, Malerba, Manpower, Mondadori, Nestlé Vera, OVS, Philips lighting, Sanofi, San Pellegrino, Siram Veolia, The Styleoutlets Vicolungo e Castelguelfo, Zambon



Your help with the 5x1000 or a donation will make the difference to support an important initiative for children.

Corporate partnership

MUBA is an indipendent organisation which over the last 15 years has implemented and offered cultural projects for children. This implies a huge effort and it wouldn't be possible without private partners and sponsors. MUBA would like to thank those who have been, and will be, willing to believe in its initiatives.


Cinzia Cattoni


Accenture, Alleanza Assicurazioni, Apple, Artemide, Artfin, Autostrade per l'Italia, Banca Intesa, Basf, Bayer, Bisazza, Ceresio SIM, Confindustria, Coop Lombardia, Danese, DEA Junior, EDISON, Exibo, Ferrero Kinder Sorpresa, Fila Giotto, Fondazione Cariplo, FS, HSBC, ICET, IGP Decaux, Ilti luce, Inail, Magis, Malerba, Manpower, Mondadori, Nestlé Vera, OVS, Philips lighting, Sanofi, San Pellegrino, Siram, The Styleoutlets Vicolungo e Castelguelfo, Zambon